2016. dec 30.

2 kép bizonyítja, hogy amit az Instán látsz, az kamu

írta: Postr
2 kép bizonyítja, hogy amit az Instán látsz, az kamu

kamu.jpgÚgy érzed, mindenkinek tökéletes élete van, csak a tiéd nyomorult? Ez bizony a közösségi oldalak hatása is lehet, ami nem is csoda. Persze Faceookra és Instára senki sem posztolja, amikor másnaposan rókázik, vagy épp mumpszos lett, így hiba lenne azt gondolni, hogy mindenki egyfolytában utazgat/szép/jól öltözött/bulizik/szórja a pénzt. 

Tetszett a bejegyzés? Akkor lájkold a PostD Facebook-oldalát, és tuti nem maradsz le semmiről!

Ha nem jelennek meg a beágyazott képek, katt ide!

Ursula Goff az Instagramon akarj bizonyítani, hogy mennyire elferdíti a mindennapi valóságot a közösségi média. Ennek szemléltetésére két fotót posztolt. 


This seems to have gone over well on FB, so I figured I would share here, also. So I didn't edit either one of these photos, but they were taken just a few days apart. I think it's important to note that lighting, angles, facial expression, and make-up make a huge difference in photography and presentation (especially in my case!). Social media can make it easy to feel like everyone else is awesome and perfect all the time, but that's really never true. We should keep in mind that behind every pretty face or perfect lifestyle is a regular person, and that there's really no point in comparing amongst ourselves because this is all cultivated. I think of all the young people out there, especially girls, who are influenced by media in this way, and I think about how badly I know I'd feel if I were a teen today, trying to cope with ever more perfect females all over the place, and how that would likely suck even worse than what prior generations had to go through. Part of the solution, I think, is more people opting to take a moment here and there to be real and show what's behind the smoke and mirrors, because it's relevant for y'all to know that this isn't reality. In reality, nothing is perfect, life is messy, and people are flawed. So the best way to be happy with yourself is to cultivate YOURSELF, vs. cultivating an IMAGE, or comparing yourself to everyone else. Do the things you want to do, find things you love, figure out what and who you want to be, and then set out to do that stuff. Think about what matters to you, and then try to engage with those activities, people, and/or values daily. Do you. For real.

Ursula Goff (@uggoff) által közzétett fénykép,

A két fotó közt mindössze néhány nap a különbség, meg persze a megfelelő fények beállítása, a jó szög megválasztása és néhány kiló smink.

Iskra Lawrencet egy csomó brit ügynökség elhajtotta, mert túl kövérnek tartották. Azóta persze már modell, és elég aktív az Instán. Ő posztolta az alábbi fotót: 

� shocking it only took me about 10minutes to photoshop myself to "perfection". But WTF is perfect? We weren't born thinking flaws made you less beautiful we are taught by society and the media that we should feel insecure about our flaws so we buy into certain products etc to "improve" or attain perfection. I wanted to post the unretouched pic right next to the retouched one so you could see the impact of how a few edits all done on my phone can completely change the way someone looks. I can't leave home everyday retouched & live in the "real world" airbrushed so why would I want to pretend to be online❓we are beautiful because we are us and we are so much more than our appearance. I hope when you see what looks like perfect flawless images of ppl online you don't not ever feel insecure or less beautiful because it's not real. What's real is you and you are good enough cus those "flaws" make you completely unique. �✨ #iskralawrence #everyBODYisbeautiful � @simplybeuk Tag a friend who is beautiful just being the REAL them�✨

Iskra lawrence�✨ (@iskra) által közzétett fénykép,

 Mint írta, mindössze 10 percébe került megbuherálni az eredeti fotót. 

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